Verse of the Day


I have upgraded my blog template. Now you can subscribe to my blog and receive an automated notification every time I update. Maybe this will encourage me to write more often. The link to subscribe is all the way at the bottom.


David said...

How do I sign up?

bcgrafx said...

Well, I guess it is more of a bookmark in your browser that you can mark. Once added, it should show you number of new posts. I am still trying to figure it out. Will let you knwo more when I figure it out.

bcgrafx said...

Ok, Here is how the feed works.Scroll all the way to the bottom of the Blog, Click on the Posts(Atom) link. A new page should open allowing you to subscribe. This will open a dialog asking where to place the bookmark for the Subscription. Upon completing this task, a live link will be created in your bookmarks. This link when clicked will show you a short summary of the latest postings. Clicking one of those posts will take you to the 'atomic' view of the blog.